Dealers who offer unique customer incentives stand out from their competitors and have higher satisfaction rates than ones who don’t.
To gain more visitors, come up with incentives that are unique to you and get creative. Ask your sales staff to brainstorm ideas, then offer a reward for ideas that are used (or the highest voted). Sales rewards might include a $50 gift card or an extra day off.
You may be surprised at what your staff comes up with. When we tried this exercise at PAM, here is what our team suggested:
Prepaid oil changes
Periodic maintenance reminders
An extended service package, such as Wheel and Tire or Paint Protection.
A gift certificate towards wipers, brakes, or tires.
Reconditioning services for busy parents or dog owners.
Mix and Match Services. (Any four services for the price of three.)
Vehicle Protection or Warranties on used vehicles
Safety Alerts and Recall Notifications
Patriot Asset Management and Patriot Automotive Consulting are serious about vehicle protection.
PAM lets you provide Stolen Vehicle Recovery, periodic maintenance reminders, customizable coupons and discounts, prepaid oil changes, and Stolen Vehicle Recovery for EVERY car you sell (prime or subprime). With PAM, dealers get to use a Branded Smartphone App to stay connected with their customers post sale.
PAC provides additional safety to your customers with GAP and Vehicle Service Contracts (VSC). Both PAC and PAM are happy to customize options for their customers.
If you’d like to learn more, contact pam@patriotassetmanagement or call 833-726-0767.