Wireless GPS devices are becoming increasingly popular as they are easy to install and don’t involve much training.
GPS devices are used for many things: subprime tracking, inventory monitoring, Stolen Vehicle Recovery, and more. Pros and cons will vary depending on the tracking provider, so it’s very important to do your homework and be aware of common issues.
Some of the biggest advantages/pros to wireless GPS devices include:
It’s simple, fast, and easy to install.
Many insurance companies will offer a discount if your inventory is being monitored and tracked.
You can sell products like Stolen Vehicle Recovery to increase F&I profits and provide additional safety to your customers.
GPS tracking helps ensure your car is recovered when stolen by pinpointing it’s location.
You can switch from Standard to Recovery Mode and back as needed.
When in Recovery Mode, it identifies when your car is moving and lets you track the asset with 5 minute updates.
Wireless devices work on almost any type of vehicle (including travel trailers, jet skis, etc.) because they don’t have to connect to a power source.
The most common issues/cons associated with wireless GPS devices are:
The price tends to be higher for wireless devices than wired ones, ranging anywhere from $50 to $250.
They have a limited battery life and most companies will only ensure the device’s tracking for 6-18 months.
Wireless units (and even wired ones) can have connection issues and may not provide accurate reporting, or may even stop reporting with little or no notice.
While most services provide tamper and disconnect alerts, many will not inform you of faulty or non-reporting units.
Most companies do not use compliant Recovery Orders.
Patriot Asset Management is different. We ensure our wireless devices last 31 months when not in recovery mode. We also provide total transparency when it comes to tracking; this includes automated reports to highlight your non-reporting units. Your dealership can also assign customized user roles, create compliant recovery orders, and sell Stolen Vehicle Recovery (SILVER protection for subprime buyers) at NO ADDITIONAL FEE!
Patriot’s experience and expertise help to ensure optimal usage of your tracking device, whether you prefer wireless or wired GPS tracking.
Call or text us today at 833-726-0767 or send an email to pam@patriotassetmanagement.net to find out more.